See if the Jumpstart Savings Program is right for you.
Cosmetologists & Barbers: Savings designed for YOU!

Cosmetology and barbering are among the fastest growing trades in the nation, with 11-percent growth projected by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics between 2021-2031. Most cosmetologists rent or own a space and function as independent contractors.

The specialized equipment and supplies needed to be successful in the beauty industry are expensive, and the Jumpstart Savings Program offers cosmetologists a way to save to offset these costs.

The Jumpstart Savings Program supports these trade professionals by providing a tax-advantaged savings account to help them build a strong financial foundation for qualified expenses.

Saving Made Easy

Enrolling in the Jumpstart Savings Program is easy and the application only takes about ten minutes to complete.

Step 1: Take the Quiz.
Find out if you can benefit.

Step 2: Apply for Your Jumpstart Account.
Get started in as little as 10 minutes.

Step 3: Start Saving for Your Future.
Enjoy tax-advantages while pursuing your passion.

Possible qualified expenses for cosmetologists and barbers:

  • Equipment and supplies
  • Styling tools and product lines
  • Chair and station supplies
  • Scissors, razors, clippers, brushes and combs
  • Skincare and nailcare equipment
  • Rental fees and building costs
  • Business licensing and marketing costs
  • Additional training costs
  • New certifications